Become a
Membership and subscriptions
Your membership subscription helps pay for the daily running of the club.
While most of the effort that goes into the club is voluntary, one of our biggest costs is insuring and maintaining the boats that we use. These are quite expensive pieces of equipment. There is also the cost of power for heating and showers and fuel for the coach boats and all the other sundries that go into keeping the club ticking along.
The subscriptions set for 2023-24 are:
Club rower $500 (competition license paid separately)
First-year rower $350 (competition license paid separately)
Masters $500 (competition license paid separately)
Cox $200 (includes license)
Associate (non-rower) $50
Casual rower $10 per row (invoiced monthly)
Please make payments to: Blenheim Rowing Club
If you are interested in joining the club or have a question about our subscriptions, please contact:
Treasurer Willie Parker 027 588 4511
Secretary Steve Mason 021 636 312