Code of Conduct
This code of conduct has been established to inform athletes, parents, guardians, coaches and administrators under the auspices of the Blenheim Rowing Club of the standard of conduct expected from them as active or associate members of our Club.
It is the responsibility of every one associated with the club to familiarise themself with this code and follow its provisions. The code is to be read in conjunction with the Constitution and any rules and policies of Blenheim Rowing Club.
The code is intended to be a guide of the Club’s expectations on the way all its members, whether active or associate, will deport themselves around the Clubhouse and away on all regattas.
In matters of rowing --
Athletes will:
Perform to the best of their ability. The Club and its members are expected to support those efforts.
Follow the directions of the Club Captain and Coaching staff in helping with the smooth running of the Club.
Not use any Club equipment without the specific direction or approval of the Club Captain or Coaching staff. Coach boats cannot be used by anyone other than Coaching staff.
Refrain from engaging in behaviour that could or will adversely affect the reputation of the Club.
Treat everyone fairly and with proper regard for their rights and obligations.
Act responsibly and respectfully at all times. All members are expected to behave as adults.
Ensure the consumption of alcohol is within the law and has no adverse affect on a person's behaviour.
Abstain from consuming illegal drugs.
Obey the lawful direction of a person empowered to give such direction.
Avoid making comment to the media or on social media sites which could or will adversely affect the r eputation of the Club unless authorised by the President or their delegate.
Obtain approval from a person empowered to give such approval before using Club equipment for private purposes.
Not use or touch private equipment stored in the Club shed without specific approval from the owner.
Administrators and coaches will:
Perform duties with professionalism, impartiality and integrity.
Ensure, as far as practicable, the safety of athletes under their supervision.
Avoid real or apparent conflicts of interest.
Act in a manner that will bear the closest public scrutiny.
All members are expected to:
Raise any concerns or issues brought by any athlete, associate or Club member with the Club Management Committee for action.
Ensure that the consumption of alcohol has no adverse affect on their behaviour.
Treat everyone respect and dignity.
Reimburse the Club, if required, for the cost of any damage caused.
The absence of any specific rule or requirement covering any act or omission, which tends to bring discredit upon the Club or it’s membership, does not mean that such act or omission is condoned, nor that it will not result in disciplinary action.
A breach of any of the provisions of this code will be dealt with by the Club Captain or, if serious, by the decision of the Management Committee. The Club Captain will inform the Management Committee of all breaches.
Payment of a subscription is deemed to mean that the member agrees with the Club's Code of Conduct.
Anyone who breaches this code may be subject to any one of the following disciplinary actions: reprimand, suspension, fine, removal from team, termination of membership.